Monday, June 20, 2016

Not IR and UV Poker Cheat Camera System

As anyone who know the poker cheat device like poker cheat sunglasses and the matched marked cards, they may be the marked cards some time may test by the UV light,or the cash detector, the invisible ink is visible under the cash detector.
It may not safe if others prepra the light to check the playing cards before the poker game.

The poker cheat device manufacture also try the best to impove, and also devolp the new device like the One to One Infrared Camera System.

This device can mend up the the UV marked cards, which can not be detector by the UV light or the cash detector, even the normal infrared camera can not read the juice mark on the back of the playing cards.

Only use the specail one to one poker cheat camera, then can read the invisible ink on the cards.

This is supper secure for the game and can check if other people is cheat in the poker game.

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