Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Perfect way to pick the suitable camera lens cheating devices

I used to go the website to buy some kind of poker cheating device myself, buy serval types of the contact lenses and marked cards and iPHone 6 scanner, cards exchanger, try each kinds of magic cards myself. At last, i can know which device is suitable for me, or for different kind of poker situation.

So i can choose the juiced cards and infrared lens my own from some good quality website. I love to poker game, but this year the economy situation is not so good, many players not come to the poker club and casino any more, i also tried to leave that sort of place.

Until one day one of my infrared contact lenses poker supplier called me to say they can come to check my poker room environment and make something specail for me. and they asked why i didn't order the invisible ink marked cards recently as rutine job.

I said yes, cause i am busy for my other job.

And they said if you are pick up the camera lens cheating devices yourself?


i said yes, that is more safe for me.

They said you can send me your room picture, and technician can check the poker room environment and make something specail for me.

So i asked them what would that be?

They said just trying to send me some picture, we will let you know the best poker solution analyzer device. Those can help you to save more time and your energy.

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