Monday, September 5, 2016

Use the Power Bank Poker Scanner to Instead of the Luminous Reader Infrared Contact Lenses

Are you working on the way of making disappearing ink? When you cannot find a good way to make the invisible ink mark which cannot be detect by the uv light, why not try the barcode marked playing cards way? 

It is also kind of juice marked deck, but it cannot detected by the simply cash dectector. So the barcode deck is not work for the luminous reader infrared contact lenses, you would need a power bank poker scanner, which can read the barcode insivile deck immidately, and send the data to the poker analyzer phone to give the result or so. 

As each cellphone will has this arkward time, that is when you using the cellphone in urgent, the cellphone is out of battery, so the mobile phone battery power bank can solve this problem and save your from this arkward circumstance.

The most important part is that this power bank can also be your poker scanning camera, when your lighter scanner is found by others, you can use this power bank poker scanning camera to save your life and win more money, without be found by other players.

It is safe and useful poker device, why not own at least one!

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